Epistole către Mihai Negruzzi și alte documente
Letters to Mihai Negruzzi and Other Documents
Autoare / Author: Andreea Tacu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2023
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Mihai Negruzzi, Ernest Ballif, Queen Marie of Romania, Iași, correspondence
Rezumat / Summary: The representatives of the Negruzzi family were highly involved in the development of the Moldavian society of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, especially if we consider the literary field, the evolution and the development of Romanian literature, and some local administrative issues since various family members also acted as mayor of the city of Iași. Constantin Negruzzi was a writer, translator, co-director of the Theatre of Iași, along with Vasile Alecsandri and Mihail Kogălniceanu, founding member of the Romanian Literary Society (the future Romanian Academy), mayor of Iasi; Iacob Negruzzi was one of the founding members and secretary of the “Junimea” Literary Society, editor of the “Convorbiri literare” magazine, writer and professor at the University of Iași, president of the Romanian Academy and Leon Negruzzi was also a translator and writer, judge and mayor of Iași, involved in introducing electricity in the former capital of Moldova; Ella Negruzzi was the first female accepted by the Bar with the right to plead in court, she was an active supporter of women’s rights and emancipation, and last, but not least, there is Mihai Negruzzi, who was a general in the Romanian Army, mayor of Iași and royal resident of the Prut region. The article focuses on certain biographical aspects of Mihai Negruzzi, corroborating the information from various documents as pieces of correspondence from Ernest Ballif, the future Crown Domain Administrator, and from Queen Marie of Romania, administrative documents related to Mihai Negruzzi’s activity as a mayor and royal resident of the Prut region, as well as personal documents referring to Queen Marie’s death.
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