Radu Afrim și textul clasic. Practici de lectură
Radu Afrim and the Classical Text. Reading Practices
Autoare / Author: Ada Lupu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2023
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Radu Afrim, classical literature, recontextualization, updating, theatre
Rezumat / Summary: Although most of his shows are based on contemporary dramaturgy, Radu Afrim, one of the most important theatre directors in Romania, was also interested in classical literature, but his reference to it was always mediated by his own intervention on the chosen texts. Sometimes he opted for the updating and recontextualization of some plays, other times he resorted to the dramatization of some novels, giving them a contemporary air, ignoring temporal barriers, adapting both the action and the characters to current realities.
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