Scriitorii români despre un Chișinău „re-făcut” de sovietici

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

Romanian Writers about a “Re-made” Chișinău by the Soviets

Autoare / Author: Aliona Grati
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2023
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Literary imagology, Chișinău, Romanian Association for Strengthening the Relations with the Soviet Union (ARLUS), Romanian writers

Rezumat / Summary: The author of this article was interested in marking the perceptions and attitudes to-wards the city of Chișinău, designed in the literary representations of Romanian writers after August 23, 1944. After the establishment of the new border of the USSR on the line of the Prut River, the entry of Romanians into the space of former province of Bessarabia became difficult. In the first years after the war, the border was crossed by delegations of specialists in various fields, whose correctness was guaranteed by the Romanian Association for Strengthening the Relations with the Soviet Union / Asociația Română pentru Strângerea Legăturilor cu Uniunea Sovietică (ARLUS). As a rule, the candidacies of the members of the delegations were rigorously filtered, their program and route were well regulated, as well as their opinions in the press. Only in 1953 and, especially, after 1956, when the Romanian-Soviet Friendship Month was celebrated for the first time in the Moldavian SSR, groups, including writers, were able to reach the city of Chișinău. Who they were and what testimonies they left is the concern of this article. The expression a “re-made” Chișinău is a paraphrase of Nicolae Iorga’s expression from 1905: “City made, but not born”, which seemed representative for the image of Soviet Chișinău.

Categorii: XVI/2023

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