Mihai Zamfir: virtuțile genului diaristic

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

Mihai Zamfir: the Virtues of the Diary Genre

Autoare / Author: Diana Vrabie
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2023
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Journal, diary, confession, autobiography, identity

Rezumat / Summary: In the context of the undoubted success that the diary genre registers today, maintaining an increasingly firm position, the indirect diaries of Mihai Zamfir make a special figure in this track record. The critic rehabilitates the virtues of the diary genre, reviving original concepts and classifications, as it is the case of the “indirect diary” formula, inspired by Mircea Eliadeʼs suggestion. In this article the author reveals the series of Mihai Zamfirʼs indirect journals, published by Spandugino Publishing House (Jurnal indirect / The Indirect Journal (1990-2015), vol. 1-2, 2015 and Alt jurnal indirect / Another Indirect Journal, 2020, respectively). Attentive to the pulse of the era, denoting spiritual intuition and polemical outburst, the diarist builds his text as a constellation of personal observations of a historical, political, ideological, cultural, literary, economic, ethnic, imagological order, insisting on the re-lationship between literature, criticism, politics, history.

Categorii: XVI/2023

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