Impactul generaționist în resurecția literaturii

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

The Role of the Concept of Generations in the Rebirth of Literature

Autoare / Author: Lilia Cecan
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2023
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Literary generation, generational moments, continuity, rupture, originality

Rezumat / Summary: The article focuses on some assessments and conclusions regarding the role of the generation in the rebirth of literature. Contrary to the polemics, the literary generation is a concept that imposes itself and manages to satisfy important classifications in literary criticism and literary history. The concept was constantly revised to reconcile two sides: the young and the old, and each time they folded themselves onto the neuralgic situations in the field and covered the nature of the object with all the characteristic components under discussion. It is a contested but valid concept because it is required for important sharing: for the sense of belonging, community and hierarchy; for the coagulation of a force capable of producing change in literature through continuity or rupture; for the introduction of a literary experiment; for the literary admission of an author; for the organic succession of literary groups; to denote the meanings of opposition, mutation, novelty and originality in literature.

Categorii: XVI/2023

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