Directori ai Teatrului din Cernăuți. Perspective teatral-istorice
Directors of the Cernăuți Theatre. Theatrical-historical perspectives
Autor / Author: Denis Apetri
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2023
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Theatre, Cernăuți, Constantin Berariu, Petre Sturdza, Dragoș Protopopescu
Rezumat / Summary: The short but consistent existence of the Cernăuți National Theatre (1921-1935) is worth revisiting not only from a historical perspective, but also from a strictly theatrical point of view. We consider it opportune to look back on the directors that the Theatre had during that period, on the major managerial decisions they took and on the conceptions of art that guided their steps.
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