Orașul Bălți în evocările cărturarilor interbelici
The City of Bălți in the Interwar Period Scholarsʼ Evocations
Autoare / Author: Diana Vrabie
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2022
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Bălți, imagology, topos, space, urban sight
Rezumat / Summary: The article proposes an approach to the topos of the city, illustrated by the city of Bălți from the Interwar Romania. The evocations of the Interwar scholars who visited Bălți and offered edifying testimonies are analyzed, among which C.R. Munteanu, Dimitrie Iov, Leon Donici, Neculai Macarovici. They record the essence of the city through the lens of their own subjectivity. The result is a multi-perspective game of projections of a provincial urban space, gloomy, lonely, monotonous, which cultivates a kind of defensive resistance. The authors perform a series of (self)imagological exercises, creating images of the way people lived in Bălți and especially the way in which they are reflected in the visitors’ eyes.
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