Familia Alecsandri. Figuri feminine (II)
Female Representatives of the Alecsandri Family (II)
Autor / Author: Iulian Pruteanu-Isăcescu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2022
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Alecsandri family, genealogy, Vasile Alecsandri, Moldova, Iași
Rezumat / Summary: The female figures bearing the name Alecsandri are almost unknown to the wide public and, to a less extent, to some specialists. In the second part of this paper, the author brings to the public attention the figures of Vasile Alecsandriʼs wife Paulina (born Lucașevici), that of his daughter Maria (married with the representatives of two important boyar families: Catargiu and Bogdan) and nieces (Margareta and Elena). In addition, the article includes information on the writerʼs sister-in-law Noémie (born Guillard) and the nieces he had from his brother (Hélène Anne, Alice Catherine and Marie) pointing out the genealogical connections with various French ennobled families as: de Lesseps, Darricarrère, Guillard, de Malherbe, del Valle, Bal and others.
Familia Alecsandri. Figuri feminine (I) / Female Representatives of the Alecsandri Family (I)
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