Evocări (Nicolae Gane, Constantin Șt. Gane)

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

Recollections (Nicolae Gane, Constantin Șt. Gane)

Autor / Author: Mihai Negruzzi
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2022
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Nicolae Gane, Constantin Șt. Gane, Mihai Negruzzi, evocations, Iași
Rezumat / Summary: Evocations of Nicolae Gane (1838-1916), owner of the Vârnav-Gane House (presently the “Nicolae Gane” Museum) and Constantin Șt. Gane (1885-1962) by Mihai Negruzzi (1873-1958), general in the Romanian Army, writer, memorialist and political figure.

Categorii: XV/2022

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