Familia Alecsandri. Figuri feminine (I)
Female Representatives of the Alecsandri Family (I)
Autor / Author: Iulian Pruteanu-Isăcescu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2021
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Alecsandri family, genealogy, Vasile Alecsandri, Moldova, Iași
Rezumat / Summary: The origins of the Alecsandri family raised numerous questions over time, many of them being still unanswered nowadays. The poet Vasile Alecsandri himself tried to find out more about his ancestors and ‟in an outburst of romantic imagination” he reached the conclusion of having noble Italian origins. In spite of the numerous ambiguities on the origins of the Alecsandri family, most probably it was of Greek origin. Less known are the female figures that bore the Alecsandri name. The present paper sketches the portraits of Vasile Alecsandri’s aunts (Safta and Catinca), that of his mother (Elena) and his elder sister (Catinca) pointing out the genealogical relations with other families as Cozoni, Duca, Brănișteanu, Iorga, Voinescu, Rolla and others.
Familia Alecsandri. Figuri feminine (II) / Female Representatives of the Alecsandri Family (II)
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