Vasile Alecsandri și afinitățile sale cu arta sonoră românească
Vasile Alecsandri and his Affinity with the Romanian Sound Art
Autoare / Author: Irina Zamfira Dănilă
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2021
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Vasile Alecsandri, Iași, music, literature, sound art, folklore
Rezumat / Summary: Vasile Alecsandri, one of the great patriots with substantial contributions to the creation of modern Romania, stands out for the significant part played in the development of our national literature. Excelling in most literary genres, from poetry to theatre and prose, Vasile Alecsandri also kept music and Romanian folklore close to his heart. As one of the key figures of the cultural life of Iași, he often collaborated with famous musicians as Alexandru Flechtenmacher, who set to music some of his most appreciated works (Coana Chirița sau Două fete și-o neneacă, Întoarcerea Chiriței sau Chirița în provincie, Cinel-cinel, Barbu Lăutarul) or Eduard Hübsch. His constant interest in both folk literature and music led to the editing of various volumes of Romanian literary folklore, of great importance for the second half of the 19th century: Balade (Cântece bătrânești), vol. I-II (1852-1853), Doine și lăcrimioare (1853) and Poesii populare ale românilor (1866).
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