Vasile Alecsandri în presa literară democrat-populară. Studiu de caz: revista „Viaţa românească”
Vasile Alecsandri and the Democratic-Popular Literary Press. Case Study: the “Viața românească” Monthly Magazine
Autoare / Author: Georgiana Leșu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2021
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Historiography, speech, the Popular Republic of Romania, literature of historical inspiration, “Viața românească” monthly magazine, Vasile Alecsandri
Rezumat / Summary: In the first year of the Popular Republic of Romania, the communist regime celebrated the centenary of the 1848 Revolution. Given the ongoing process of creating a new type of organisation of the state and the interest in gaining its legitimacy, the connection to history gained considerable importance and the historic events of the 19th century were among the regime’s favourite. Thus, references to historic events became part of public speeches, cinematography, press and literature. Highly spread among the wide audience, the literature of historical inspiration became more visible and the literary press took the same path and followed the historiographic ideas and the official references to the past. In this context, we selected for exemplification the “Viața românească” monthly magazine; in the second number of 1949 there were published numerous articles related to the 19th century history, with greater focus on the events of 1848. Among the themes dealt with there was also an analysis of Vasile Alecsandri’s work put in relation with the revolutionary goals. Starting from this case study, we tried to identify a pattern for relating to the events of the 19th century, the ways the discourse was constructed and how the historiographical concepts were disseminated.
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