Copoul în reflectoarele melancolicilor

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

The Copou Area Projected in the Writings of Melancholic Authors

Autoare / Author: Diana Vrabie
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2021
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Iași, Copou, topos, memory, imagology, forty-eighters

Rezumat / Summary: In this article, the Copou area of Iași is examined as a cultural topos, as a constantly changing reference point that involves large masses of individuals to whom it offers the possibility to assert itself in all senses. This way, the projections of the collective memory are identified in order to reveal the places that marked the “collective and affective memory” of Iași. The cultural reflections generated by this hallmark that inspired writers from all generations since the “pașoptiști” (forty-eighters) are also studied. Thus the evocations of the “pașoptiști” Alecu Russo, Mihail Kogălniceanu, of the interwar authors as Dimitrie Anghel, Eugen Herovanu, Emil Gârleanu, Demostene Botez, Mihail Sadoveanu, Gr. Trancu-Iași and others are analyzed. In their pages, Copou appears as an epic and phantasmagoric setting, “the theater of the world”, and a Romanesque performance. Its urban landscape is researched, defined by its features, models and structure, which also include the biological component, the physical environment and the anthropic elements.

Categorii: XIV/2021

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