Despot Vodă, impresii de lectură ale unui presupus cititor occidental
Despot Vodă, Reading Impressions of an Alledged Occidental Reader
Autor / Author: Călin Ciobotari
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2021
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Vasile Alecsandri, Despot Vodă, historical play, theatre, reading impressions
Rezumat / Summary: This paper aims at a rereading of a historical play from the 19th century, Despot Vodă, by Vasile Alecsandri, in order to prove the possible interest the play can still produce today. Given that the entire Romanian historical dramatic literature is currently avoided on the grounds that it would contain elements of retrograde nationalism and excessive patriotism, we intend to revisit the text from the perspective of a hypothetical western reader.
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