Despre medaliile emise cu ocazia inaugurării statuii lui Vasile Alecsandri din Iași

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

References on the Medals Issued at the Unveiling of Vasile Alecsandri’s Statue in Iași

Autoare / Author: Andreea Tacu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2021
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Vasile Alecsandri, Iași, statue, medal, Nicolae Sternberg, Șaraga

Rezumat / Summary: Vasile Alecsandri was one of the key figures of the 19th century. His activity was connected to both the political life – due to his contribution to the creation of the future modern state, his activity as a minister and diplomate –, and the cultural life – due to the role he played in the ‟Junimea” Cultural Society, his activity as a director of the theatre of Iași, his entire work as a dramatist, poet and folklorist. In 1890, shortly after his death, it was decided to erect a statue in Iași to honour his complex personality and the role played in the development of the 19th century Romanian society. The unveiling of the statue made by Wladimir C. Hegel took place 15 years later, in the presence of Vasile Alecsandri’s wife and daughter, being organized as a national celebration of the one who had first been awarded an international prize for Romanian poetry. The event was also marked by the stamping of an official medal made by Nicolae Sternberg, and various other medals, all carefully preserved till nowadays in memory of that special day.

Categorii: XIV/2021

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