Romulus Cioflec și primele sale însemnări de călătorie
Romulus Cioflec and His First Travel Notes
Autoare / Author: Luminița Cornea
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2020
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Romulus Cioflec, Romanian literature, writer, traveler, “Gazeta Transilvaniei”
Rezumat / Summary: The writer Romulus Cioflec (1882-1955) was a professor for his entire life and he was known as a passionate traveler. Some of his first contributions to the journals of the time were in fact his travel notes, published between 1907 and 1925. They were somehow left aside and not mentioned in his volumes. Nonetheless, these early travel notes anticipate Romulus Cioflec’s three travel volumes published during his lifetime: Pe urmele Basarabiei (1928), Cutreierând Spania (1928) and Sub soarele polar (1929).
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