Feminitatea vestimentară în Dobrogea multietnică

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

The Feminity of Clothing in Multiethnic Dobruja

Autoare / Author: Iuliana Titov
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2020
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Dobruja, traditional ethnic clothing, ethnic dress, intercultural communication, identity marks

Rezumat / Summary: Dobruja is known as an area of ethnic cohabitation and coexistence. The approach of our subject presupposes the in-depth knowledge and understanding of this unique space and only from such a position can be explained the transformations and points of resistance, the characteristic elements, the so-called “identity marks”, but also the elements that can constitute marks of convergence and intercultural communication. Our presentation aims to bring to the fore information about traditional ethnic clothing and also new arguments about the good understanding of the ethnic communities in this area.

Categorii: XIII/2020

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