Schitul Hagi Dina – Schitul Maicilor, Bucureşti
The Hagi Dina Hermitage – The Nun’s Hermitage, Bucharest
Autoare / Author: Grina-Mihaela Rafailă
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2019
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Bucharest, church, Hagi Dina, Nicolae Alexandru Mavrocordat, Antim Monastery
Rezumat / Summary: The Hagi Dina Hermitage Church, the current Hermitage Church in Bucharest, with the patronage of the Annunciation, was founded in 1726 during the reign of Nicolae Alexandru Mavrocordat, by the Russian noble woman Tatiana, who took the monastic name of Timothea, after St. Timothyʼs name. The worship place has the shape of a ship with only one tower on the narthex. The facades feature finishes in the pavement, pierced to the bottom of the carved stone frames. Over time, the church was metoh of the Metropolitan Church and the Gypsy Monastery; it then depended on the White Posta parish, it was a hermitage of the Antim Monastery and it is now a parish of its own.
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