Conservarea bisericilor de lemn cu plan treflat din zona Moldovei – conservarea unor realităţi politice din secolul al XIV-lea
The Preservation of Moldavian Trefoil Plan Wooden Churches – the Preservation of 14th Century Political Realities
Autor / Author: Andrei Hrib
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2019
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Wooden churches, trefoil plan, Oșești (Vaslui), Serbia, restoring
Rezumat / Summary: This article offers an extra-historical argument for preserving and restoring wooden churches in particular those with a trefoil plan. These fourteenth century monuments, preserving some political messages not fully understood, such as the Bogdana Church in Rădăuţi, Dragoș Vodăʼs Church from Putna, are compared with the Church of Oşești, Vaslui County. In the case of the Oşești Church, the loss of historical sources led to local historical inadvertences.
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