Locuri ale memoriei ieșene în (re)scrierile sadoveniene

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

Places of Iași’s Memory in Sadoveanu’s (Re)Writings

Autoare / Author: Simona Zaharia
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2018
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Mihail Sadoveanu, (re)writing, lieux de mémoire, collective memory, individual memory, cultural memory

Rezumat / Summary: Building on the statement of the French historian Pierre Nora, according to whom the collective memory of a group crystallizes around certain places, the present paper goes beyond the Sadovenian (re)writing through the (re)confirmation of a truth that could never be challenged: history repeats itself. Mihail Sadoveanu, who is tormented by the obsession of transformation, does not ignore the images of Iași, through the transition from individual memory to collective memory, places of memory.

Categorii: XI/2018

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