Bojdeuca „Ion Creangă”. Din istoria primului muzeu literar din România

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

“Ion Creangă” Museum. The History of the First Literary Museum in Romania

Autor / Author: Iulian Pruteanu-Isăcescu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2018
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Iași, museum, Ion Creangă, restoration, patrimony

Rezumat / Summary: More than ten years before it became the first literary museum in Romania, the Romanian public opinion was interested in the condition of the little cottage in which the famous storyteller Ion Creangă spent his last years. The “Ion Creangă” committee, founded in 1917, with the aim of rebuilding the writer’s cottage, managed to complete the restoration process and so, on April 15th, 1918, the museum was opened for the public. It thus became the first literary museum in Romania. The cottage – “Bojdeuca”, as we call it – underwent other restorations, survived the earthquake from 1940, the Second World War, the earthquake from 1977, multiple consolidations and improvements. Now, on the verge of celebrating the Centenary, it is the most visited site of the Iași National Museum of Romanian Literature, at a rough estimate of 40,000 – 50,000 tourists each year.

Categorii: XI/2018

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