Convergențe în perioada regimului totalitar comunist: ideologia și propaganda
Convergence During the Communist Totalitarian Regime: Ideology and Propaganda
Autor / Author: Iulian Cătălin Dănilă
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2018
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Propaganda, ideology, Communist totalitarian regime, censorship, ideological discourse
Rezumat / Summary: Propaganda has been one of the techniques most widely used by the totalitarian regimes to take over and exercise power and to achieve their idelogical goals. Through its representatives, the Communist totalitarian regime in Romania ruled and maintained its ideology through force; propaganda had a major role in instituting and consolidating this regime. By presenting one version of historical, political, social, economic and cultural evolution of Romania, the totalitarian regime established a system where manipulation, as well as censorship, were important mechanisms that helped the regime function.
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