Simboluri bucureștene de for public consacrate eroilor din Primul Război Mondial

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

Bucharest’s Symbolic Public Monuments Celebrating First World War’s Heroes

Autor / Author: Gabriel Stelian Constantin
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2018
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Romania, Bucharest, statues, monuments, heroes

Rezumat / Summary: The capital of Romania has numerous public monuments dedicated to the heroes of the First World War, as a sign of gratitude for those who died on the battlefield. The joy of achieving the unification into one country was celebrated in Bucharest, the capital city of the Greater Romania, by building monuments meant to serve as an example for future generations and to send a message of unity over the centuries. Once the communist regime was installed in Romania, some of the monuments – those with a symbolism contradictory to the ideology and propaganda of the communist party, which attempted to rewrite the history of Romanians according to the orders received from Moscow – were demolished and replaced with personalities of the communist movement. Fortunately, some of the monuments that disappeared after 1945 were rebuilt and relocated after the revolution of 1989, if not in their initial location, then in other central points of Bucharest.

Categorii: XI/2018

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