Urmașii institutorului Mihai Duca (1841-1883)

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

The Heirs of Mihai Duca, an Elementary School Teacher (1841-1883))

Autor / Author: Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2017
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Duca family, genealogy, family, descendants, Pogor family

Rezumat / Summary: The present study refers to the Duca bloodline, whose predecessor, according to the family tradition, was Iordache Duca, born in 1785. The genealogies of not noble people often reveal fascinating information. For instance, teacher Mihai Duca, Iordache’s son, was one of Ion Creangă’s friends. Aglaia, one of his nieces, was married to Constantin Pogor, an important figure of the time. His descendants claim that he was a relative of Vasile Pogor, important politician and one of the founders of Junimea literary society. The information deserves all the attention, but regrettably, so far, the author did not found any document that can confirm the relationship of kinship between the two. However, the research deserves to be continued, of course within the limits of documenting possibilities.

Categorii: X/2017

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