Studiu de caz: restaurarea unei icoane „Prăznicar” aparținând lui Stan Zugravu
Case study: The Restoration of an Icon of Feast Belonging to Stan Zugravu
Autoare / Author: Diana Mirea
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2017
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Icon, Stan Zugravu, degradation, restoration, methodology
Rezumat / Summary: The icon presented in this article is a two sided icon painted by Stan Zugravu from Rășinari. Our purpose was to expose the steps during the restoration process of this icon because of the various kinds of degradation it presented and for its value. We tried to aesthetically recover the original image observing the limits imposed by the principles of restoration, the technique of execution and the iconʼs state of conservation.
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