Contribuţia lui Ştefan Ciobanu la valorificarea operei mitropolitului Dosoftei (la 100 ani de la apariția lucrării „Досифей, митрополит Сочавскйй и его книжная деятельность”, Киев, 1915)
Ștefan Ciobanu’s Contribution to the Promotion of Metropolitan Dosoftei’s Work (100 Years from the Publishing of “Досифей, митрополит Сочавскйй и его книжная деятельность”, Киев, 1915)
Autoare / Author: Maria Danilov
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2015
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Ștefan Ciobanu, Metropolitan Dosoftei, fundamental work, liturgical books, Romanian historiography
Rezumat / Summary: The written works of Metropolitan Dosoftei, their harness and integration into the cultural heritage values of both Romanian and South-East European areas was a constant theme for the Romanian specialists from the end of the 19th century. The Metropolitan Dosoftei’s perspectives of written works in Romanian historiography were fragmentary and shadowed by the whirligig of time. The ones studying the works of Dosoftei cannot pass by the fundamental work of Ștefan Ciobanu. The revival of the idea to translate into Romanian the entire collection of liturgical books is the merit of Metropolitan Dosoftei.
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