O carte din biblioteca lui Nicolae Bălcescu: Codica criminală, Iași, 1838
A Volume from Nicolae Bălcescu’s Library. The Criminal Code, Iași, 1838
Autoare / Author: Lăcrămioara Manea
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2015
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Nicolae Bălcescu, Nicolae Bălcescu’s library, ex-libris, signature, Criminal code
Rezumat / Summary: The present article presents to the professionals an unknown volume from Nicolae Bălcescu’s library, an important political personality and historicist (1819-1852). The volume it refers to represents the 2nd edition of the Criminal Code that was published in Iași in 1838. On the title page it bears Nicolae Bălcescu’s signature and ex-libris. The volume is in the patrimony of “Gavrilă Simion” Eco-Museum Research Institute of Tulcea from 1979 and it came from the patrimony of the Romanian Academy Library of Bucharest. We consider Nicolae Bălcescu obtained this volume before the Mărgineni moment, sometime between 1838-1840, that is shortly after the Code was republished, while he was an officer. With this article, we join effort with important researchers and bibliographers who pleaded for the reconstruction of Nicolae Bălcescu’s library, Horia Nestorescu-Bălcești being the most devoted of them.
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