Consideraţii privind starea de conservare și restaurarea unei cărţi de la începutul secolului al XIX-lea

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

Considerations on the Conservation Status and the Restoration of a Book from the Beginning of the 19th Century

Autoare / Authors: Elena Bercu, Maria Nimerciag
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue2015
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Old book, restoration, Constantin Alexandru Ipsilanti, Moldavia, 19th century

Rezumat / Summary: This article includes a brief presentation of the volume “Interpretation of the seven mysteries of the church” considering its constitutive elements. Analyzing the book’s poor state of conservation, the article includes a treatment suggestion and the stages for the restoration of the volume so it can be presented to the public again.

Categorii: VIII/2015

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