Cărţile lui Ioan Sârbu (1830-1868) în colecţiile din Chişinău şi valoarea lor bibliofilă

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

The Books of Ioan Sârbu (1830-1868) in the Collections from Chișinău and their Bibliophilic Value

Autoare / Author: Maria Danilov
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2014
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Ioan Sârbu, Bessarabia, Chișinău, Akim Popov, printing house

Rezumat / Summary: Ioan Sârbu is the only Bessarabian writer from the 19th century who published his work in Romanian in a province occupied by the Russians in 1812. Considering the activity of Ioan Sârbu, history seems to be convincing us that Bessarabia had people of culture capable of putting aside comfort and welfare in exchange of a significant inner turmoil: the debt towards the Romanian origins.

Categorii: VII/2014

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