Tipărituri vechi româneşti – contribuţie la BRV

Publicat de MNLR Iași pe

Old Romanian Prints – Contribution to BRV

Autor / Author: Dan Jumară
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2014
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Printing, Moldavia, history, printout, old books

Rezumat / Summary: Among old Romanian printings printed and partially printed documents were included for long. Considered as being ephemeral product of printing, these documents reflect various aspects of political, social, economic and cultural life. Due to their transitory and accidental nature, the documents we deal with have a short existence, becoming bibliographical rarities. Usually accompanying all the major events in the history of the country and of the people, facilitating their knowledge and judging events, printed sheets/ printouts are undeniable sources for our historical research. Printed documents also include graphics, important to our history, various marks of different social groups and institutions; considering this, their careful cataloging and recovery provide a basis for a wide circle of problems.

Categorii: VII/2014

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