Philosophie et nation. Les Roumains entre question nationale et pensée occidentale à la fin du XIXe siècle

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Philosophy and Nation. The Romanians between the National Issue and the Western Thinking at the End of the 19th Century

Autoare / Author: Cécile Folschweiller
Limba / Language: French
Număr / Issue: 2014
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Junimea, Titu Maiorescu, the crisis of modernity, Romanian culture, western thinking

Rezumat / Summary: This article presents the main directions of a wider study in the field of history of ideas that tries to point out the philosophic and intellectual coherence of the Junimist current placed between the critics of the Romanian society and the western thinking, the opening toward European debates and the persistence on national realities. From this perspective, the disillusioned remark made by the junimists in relation to Romanian culture – included in the concept of “forms without substance” – seems to be synchronized to the intellectual climate of the time and much more than a simple conservatory reaction. The following features – evolutionism, scepticism, confidence in science and the demystification attitude, that characterized the junimist thinking anchor the national issue as well, a lot deeper than we might believe into the European philosophic and intellectual debates that, at the end of the 19th century, are characterized, mainly, by a crisis. A crisis of modernity.

Categorii: VII/2014

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