Biblioteca de la moșie, cabinetul de lectură și librăria de la oraș. Scurtă discuție despre carte și spațiul de lectură în secolul al XIX-lea, la răspântia Imperiilor Otoman, Habsburgic și Rus
The Library from the Mansion, the Reading Cabinet and the City Library. Brief Presentation of Books and of the Reading Environment in the 19th Century at the Crossroad of Ottoman, Habsburg and Russian Empires
Autoare / Author: Raluca Elena Goleșteanu
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2016
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: 19th century, urban – rural, Central and Eastern Europe, gender emancipation, centre-periphery interdependence
Rezumat / Summary: The present paper intends to evoke some of the ways in which books as objects highlight the statute of certain less favoured social categories, as gender or ethnicity: women and the Jew. With the help of travelling notes, journals and descriptions of that time, critical studies and studies on cultural history, our text uses examples from areas under the influence of the eastern and central European empires (Turkish-Phanariote, Russian, German) in the attempt of recreating an exhaustive image of the regional dynamics that characterize the relationship between books/the area they are in and some female figures or Jewish merchants. Confirming or dismissing the stereotypes of the period (for ex. the woman – romantic sensitive being; the Jewish – merchant of luxury goods), the research study, just like many other attempts in cultural history, tries to bring forward various social actors that have been less studied so far. Moreover, our study intends to point out the stylistic resemblance (ex. libraries, bookshops) as well as the mental differences between local and occidental areas in relation to books seen as an instrument per se for personal and professional success.
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