Despre vechimea manuscrisului slavonesc a Sf. Grigore Palamas din colecțiile arhivelor din Chișinău (secolul al XV-lea)
Considerations on the Age of St. Gregory Palamas’ Slavonic Manuscript in the Archives of Chișinău (15th Century)
Autoare / Author: Maria Danilov
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2016
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Saint Gregory Palamas, Slavonic manuscript, Chișinău collections, Palamas’ work
Rezumat / Summary: The importance of Palamas’ works for the contemporary Orthodox theology is well known. They became the connection element between two great eras in the history of Orthodoxy, being seen as the synthesis between the Patristic period and the Philokalic one after the official recognition of Gregory Palamas’ dogmas. St. Gregory Palamas’ treaties have been the subject of intense controversies that marked the posthumous destiny of his work. Our research focuses on recreating an accurate image of the filiation of the old Slavonic manuscript copies of Gregory Palamas’ three anti-Latin treaties within the Romanian orthodoxy. Relating it to the original Slavonic Decani 88 (approx. 1360-1370) and also to the later copies found in other collections, the manuscript from Chișinău – ‟Creațiile lui Grigorie Palama: Cuvântul întâi pentru latini apărător și pentru purcederea Sfântului Duh (1485-1495)” – can be considered one of the oldest copies of the Slavonic original, ceding this way to the manuscript from Hilandar Monastery (Athos).
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