Conservarea patrimoniului scriptic
Script Heritage Preservation
Autoare / Author: Elena Maftei
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2016
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Patrimony, preservation, digitization, degradation process, incunabulum
Rezumat / Summary: In the present article the author intended to pursue the heritage protection activities of the script heritage. The author highlighted the fact that conservation is an activity which involves a whole chain of methodologies, techniques, administrative programs designed to preserve all its documentary funds, furniture, and building which houses it. In order to preserve the documents for posterity, to better inform the public, but also to warrant wide access to the information content scripts need to be kept in an electronic format. Thus, the process of digitization, through its objectives and goals, constitutes a strategic element in the development of the informational society at a national level, and needs to be internationally connected.
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