Romanticul Vasile Voiculescu
The Romantic Vasile Voiculescu
Autor / Author: Dan Jumară
Limba / Language: Romanian
Număr / Issue: 2016
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Vasile Voiculescu, letters, art, ideal, love
Rezumat / Summary: It is very difficult nowadays to find and communicate something new about such a notorious author as Vasile Voiculescu. But, now and then, the researcher is lucky enough as to find out, in the archives, some texts worthy of being brought to light. It is the case of some pages unknown up to now, written by Vasile Voiculescu. We get to know a young man who is quite different from the poet already known by means of his published works. Voiculescu’s life was not an easy one; he came into contact with all kind of people, places, mentalities, and traditions, attitudes which all left traces in his artistic and spiritual universe. We come into contact with a young man tormented by thoughts, feelings and ideals yet undefined. By means of the letters he wrote to his sweetheart we have the rare privilege of catching a glimpse of the interior universe of a writer at the beginnings of a prodigious career. Many of the texts are real essays, sometimes prose poems, penetrated by high and profound thoughts about Word and Art, the Good and the Bad, Ideal and Longing, Love and Altruism.
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