In memoriam Dan Jumară (1952-2021)

In memoriam Dan Jumară (1952-2021) Limba / Language: Romanian Număr / Issue: 2021 Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Dan Jumară, Editor in chief, Yearbook of the Iaşi National Museum of Romanian Literature, Iași, museum Rezumat / Summary: The article evokes Dan Jumară (1952-2021), editor in chief of the Yearbook of the Iaşi Citește mai mult…

Vasile Alecsandri în presa literară democrat-populară. Studiu de caz: revista „Viaţa românească”

Vasile Alecsandri and the Democratic-Popular Literary Press. Case Study: the “Viața românească” Monthly Magazine Autoare / Author: Georgiana Leșu Limba / Language: Romanian Număr / Issue: 2021 Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Historiography, speech, the Popular Republic of Romania, literature of historical inspiration, “Viața românească” monthly magazine, Vasile Alecsandri Rezumat / Summary: Citește mai mult…

Familia Alecsandri. Figuri feminine (I)

Female Representatives of the Alecsandri Family (I) Autor / Author: Iulian Pruteanu-Isăcescu Limba / Language: Romanian Număr / Issue: 2021 Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Alecsandri family, genealogy, Vasile Alecsandri, Moldova, Iași Rezumat / Summary: The origins of the Alecsandri family raised numerous questions over time, many of them being still unanswered Citește mai mult…

Prietenii literare: Romulus Cioflec – George Topîrceanu – Otilia Cazimir

Literary Friendships: Romulus Cioflec – George Topîrceanu – Otilia Cazimir Autoare / Author: Luminița Cornea Limba / Language: Romanian Număr / Issue: 2021 Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Correspondance, George Topîrceanu, Otilia Cazimir, Romulus Cioflec, revue Viața românească Rezumat / Summary: Le texte retrace quelques moments de l’amitié littéraire entre Romulus Cioflec Citește mai mult…