Aspecte privind degradarea suprafețelor cu poleiri metalice – Icoana împărătească Sf. Nicolae pe tron (secolul al XVIII-lea)

Notes on the Degradation of Metal Polished Surfaces – The Royal Icon of St. Nicholas on the Throne (18th century) Autoare / Author: Alina Ștefania Buterez Limba / Language: Romanian Număr / Issue: 2017 Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Gold, polish, silver, leaf, degradation, corrosion Rezumat / Summary: Metal leaf is a Citește mai mult…

A.D. Xenopol, Riria şi revista „Arhiva”

A.D. Xenopol, Riria and the “Arhiva” Journal Autor / Author: Mircea-Cristian Ghenghea Limba / Language: Romanian Număr / Issue: 2017 Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: A.D. Xenopol, Riria, the journal „Arhiva”, Romanian literature, scandal Rezumat / Summary: At the beginning of the 20th century, the great Romanian historian A.D. Xenopol considered that Citește mai mult…

Mauvais rêveurs, révoltés et terroristes: notes sur l’émergence du «type de l’anarchiste» dans la littérature

Bad Dreamers, Rebels and Terrorists: Notes on the Emergence of the Anarchist Type in Literature Autor / Author: Adrian Tătăran Limba / Language: French Număr / Issue: 2017 Cuvinte cheie / Keywords: Anarchiste, anarchisme, littérature, Lombroso, criminologie Rezumat / Summary: En prenant comme point de départ article du célèbre César Lombroso, Citește mai mult…